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Kreuzgraben 11, 67071 Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany

About Park

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    A refuge for animal and plant species in the midst of an intensively agricultural area

    Some of the plants in the area are normally found in coastal areas, which explains the tolerance to salt. Names such as the lake-nosed linguee, the sea-barb and the salt-swaths show the preference of these species for 'salty' locations near the water. How the salt gets into the meadows and water is still unclear. Winter salt spills on the adjacent highway probably play a role.

    The Vogelwiese: For many animals and plants the moist and wet locations in combination with meadows and trees are optimal areas of life.
    The proposed sanctuary is framed by monkey, cross and leg trenches. These trenches are important cross-linking lines and characterize the landscape through the accompanying woody vegetation.

    Important Information

  • Intertainment Elements

    Sitting places


    Small animal park

  • Main Elements

    • Cleanliness
    • Parking and public transport
    • Green areas
    • Open paths for walking