The villa underwent several restoration interventions to remedy the decline after World War II. Polish troops left her in October 1946, and the property was seized by the Housing Commission, resulting in looting and private destruction in the park.
The redevelopment intervention by the municipality of Disio led to redefining some areas. In particular, Hotel Serre, once a winter citrus plant shelter, houses a library, a media center for young people and a historical archive, while some rooms inside the villa host the permanent exhibition of Milan sculptor Giuseppe Scalvini, who donated the entire collection of Dessio. Outside, in the park, almost all the architectural structures that enriched it were lost in the post-war period, except for the new Gothic tower of Balaji, built in 1817 when Villa became the property of Giovan Battista Traverse. The tomb of Traversi and Antona, designed by Luca Beltrami, and the magnificent arc of arrival designed by Palagi are still intact.