The Sausset Park was established on an area formerly devoted to large-scale farming (cereals, oilseeds, potatoes, sugar beets). The urbanization of the northern part of the Aulnay-sous-Bois territory (construction of several thousand housing units and development of business parks) made it necessary to create a sewerage system and a retention pond. the stream of Sausset, upstream of the farm of Savigny, which was then destroyed. This is the starting point for the construction of the Savigny pond (5 ha), around which an urban park of 33 ha was initially planned. The desire of Georges Valbon, then president of the Seine-Saint-Denis General Council, to increase the area of the public green space department to 10% led to the extension of the planned area to 200 ha, in order to to make a park both urban and landscaped. The first trees were planted during the winter of 1981-1982.