One of the few well-kept, moderately large parks in Athens. For some very strange reason, I only very recently visited it for the first time and was completely astonished. I went there with a friend of mine and we had the best of times just talking and lying in the grass. Lying in the grass, mind you, is not an activity typically associated with Athenian life. We don’t really do it. Still, we weren’t the only ones enjoying the shade on that warm Spring day but, unsurprisingly, a good part of our company was foreigners having a picnic. I thought theirs was a truly great idea: I wished I had brought with me something to nibble on too.
This park is not big compared to others around the world (elsewhere, it would only count as a ‘green’) but by the city’s relatively poor standards when it comes to green spaces & recreational/relaxation areas, it’s very respectable and even has a proper architectural plan.