
We have 16614 Parks Now ... The First and largest platform for green public parks

Paultons Square

Paultons Square, Chelsea, London SW3 5DT، United kingdom

Every Day : 24 Hours .

About Park

  • Preview

    A long narrow enclosure planted with shrubs

    Containing some fine trees. Overlooked by dwelling-houses'. A plaque has the following inscription: 'Paultons Square is named after George Stanley of Paultons in Hampshire who lived in the 18th century and married Sir Hans Sloane's daughter. The houses in the square were built circa 1840 and represent a fine example of a uniform square in late Georgian style' . The houses on three sides face onto the elongated central garden, with King's Road as the fourth side. The garden has modern railings, lawns, flowerbeds and shrubs, a sundial; its fine trees include gingko, and mature planes at either end; an east/west gravel path is flanked by new trees.

    Important Information

    • Every Day
      24 Hours
    • Park Area
      3535.00 SQM
    • Foundation Date
  • Intertainment Elements


    Kids area

  • Main Elements

    • Lights
    • Parking and public transport
    • Green areas
    • Open paths for walking