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King George V Playing Field - Ealing

4 Bishops Road, Hanwell, London W7 2NY، United kingdom

Every Day : 24 Hours .

About Park

  • Preview

    Provides a blend of enjoyment and a feeling of repose

    A large nature inspired children’s area, a small grassed area for games and a shaded seating area. Its design represents modern park composition and assiduous community involvement.

    The park, referred to as ‘Sand Park’ by local children, was officially titled to commemorate the death of King George V in 1951. It sits on former parish land of St Marys, which at the time provided allotments and grazing land for the animals of local people, earning the former name ‘Poors Piece’. Its alias may have changed over time but its intrinsic value to the local area has not.  It remains a well-loved and used park.

    Important Information

    • Every Day
      24 Hours
    • Park Area
      5000.00 SQM
    • Foundation Date
  • Intertainment Elements


    Kids area

  • Main Elements

    • Lights
    • Parking and public transport
    • Green areas
    • Open paths for walking
    • Multiple seating areas
    • Wildlife interest